Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Brownie Batter Overnight Oats

It took me awhile to come up with a name for this blog, mostly because the other ones I wanted were taken! Being the nerd that I am, I thought of a quote from Final Fantasy VII. The main characters were on a train heading to a mission, and one said, "There ain't no getting offa this train we're on." Besides the literal meaning, he meant there was no escaping their mission, their ultimate goal. And that's kind of where I am right now. I made this commitment to lose weight, and now I need to stick to it. No getting offa this train I stepped onto!

I found a recipe last week for brownie batter overnight oats. If you've never had overnight oats, you're missing out on a delicious, filling, healthy, and easy to make breakfast! The best part is you can customize it with whatever fruit, chocolate, etc. you want. I'd never had Greek yogurt before trying overnight oats. The plain flavor is kinda gross by itself, but mixed in with the other ingredients, you can't even taste it. Plus, it's filled with protein to keep you full! I get mine at Aldi for $4 for a 32 ounce container, which so far is the best price I've found.

1 cup unsweetened almond milk (or regular milk)
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
2 tbs cocoa powder
1/8 tbs salt
2 tbs baking stevia or sugar subsitute
1 cup old-fashioned oats
1/4 cup protein powder (or more oats)

Mix all ingredients in a bowl, then pour into two containers.  Let them sit overnight in the fridge, and you now have amazing oatmeal!  You can eat it cold or heat in the microwave for a few seconds.  Best part, one serving is about 273 calories.

Recipe taken from this website! 

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